All that stuff shifts my attention around from the matters at hand like a business of ferrets running through my head, so that I suddenly find myself looking at this:
Many of you may already recognize this nasty little bit of twisted aluminum.
What's that?
You don't?
Here's a hint:
See, at first everything looks great. The mounting bolt is plenty long:
And it mates up the post mount adaptor just dandy:
But after 30 minutes of fucking around, truing the rotor in the stand and generally getting irritated you decide to add those lovely hemispherical washers to the mix because the damn thing won't stop rubbing:
But you fail to observe (well I suspect at this point you didn't fail to observe) that the bolt is coming up short. Because even though it looks just dandy assembled:
Torquing things up leaves the bolt, well, oddly not so tight. In fact a careful tug with the fingers and out comes the little fucker, surrounded with the guts of your precious post mount adaptor:
Leaving your little piece of awesome bike jewelry eviscerated:
It should look a lot more look like this:
That hemispherical washer seemed like a great idea, but it soaked up a few too many threads. And in one of those mystical moments once removed it seems to have been one hell of a lot thicker than it appeared when it was in the stack:
Luckily for the me I had an extra post mount handy and I'm already back in business.
Remember people:
Your attention is a limited resource.
You only have so much of it to give in this life.
Use it wisely.
The HFC.